Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Scientia Interfluvius Vol. XV Num. I Año 2024

Scientia Interfluvius, is a journal of the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos, edited through the Secretariat of Science and Technology, through which the academic/research activity of the University, the region and external agents is mainly disseminated. Its publication is of a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, and bilingual academic style. It is published every six months in online format (freely accessible) and on paper. The reader will be able to find articles that include local research belonging to a wide range of disciplines that cover the undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught at the University (in areas such as Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology), as well as other countries that interact fluidly with it. These publications have a high diffusion and are edited in sections of scientific papers, scientific notes, essays and bibliographic reviews and comments. The publications that are selected by the editorial board must mean an original contribution to the scientific community, when this condition occurs they are submitted to "double blind" arbitration, carried out by the Associate Editors with the participation of recognized external referees safeguarding editorial quality criteria. . Any type of discriminatory manifestation (gender, racial, ideological), or neo-Nazi, or fascist, among other authoritarian expressions, is excluded. Once edited, the works are protected by the National Registry of Intellectual Property, and their reproduction in any medium, including electronic, must be authorized by the editors. The Management is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the signed articles.

Published: 2024-07-19
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It constitutes the main academic/scientific dissemination body of the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos, where the results of the research carried out, both by Argentine researchers and those from other countries, are included in their basic and applied aspects within the area of ​​Natural Sciences, Sciences Social, Humanities and Technology. It has international circulation and is published in sections of Scientific Works, Scientific Notes, Essays and Bibliographic Reviews, Obituaries and Comments. To be published, articles must represent an original contribution to the scientific community. These are submitted to arbitration, carried out by the Associate Editors with the participation of recognized external arbitrators. It is a publication edited by the Secretary of Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos (UADER).